If you haven’t already gotten this sense, we have a GOOD time. We also work like crazy people and don’t take anyone's sh*t. We most definitely do not take...

2020: Going out with a BLOG
As weeks turned into months and the pandemic continued, I won't lie, I was f*cking terrified. Yea, I baked banana bread, Marie Kondo style organized every drawer and closet...

Beneath the beads, Beyond the bag, BEHIND THE BUSINESS
Disclaimer: The things I've learned cannot be googled. The things I couldn't do without cannot be bought. These tips were created by me through firsthand experience. They would...

Employment Status: Entrepreneur
I was 5 years out of college, content with my job, satisfied with the money I was making, passionate enough about the career path I chose, but something felt...

I'm not a regular bride, I'm a Corona Bride
While I definitely have ITES vision boards galore, I've never made one for my dream wedding. In fact, it took me about 6 full months to figure out what kind...

#OOOwithITES: The WFH Edition
If there’s one thing that’s surprised me while building this brand, it’s that people are genuinely interested in knowing not only about the custom items we design, but also the...