2020: Going out with a BLOG – Page 235 – Island to East Side


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2020: Going out with a BLOG

2020: Going out with a BLOG

For anyone who is new here or hasn't read my previous blogs, 2020 was my first year as a full time entrepreneur.  I had a total of four hot months to blissfully acquaint myself to this so-called life of working for yourself before the utter chaos of 2020 struck in early spring.
As weeks turned into months and the pandemic continued, I won't lie, I was f*cking terrified.  Yea, I baked banana bread, Marie Kondo style organized every drawer and closet in my apartment, learned the Savage Tik Tok dance, sent my friends funny videos, and had zoom happy hours.  I actually did all of the above twice.  (Like 8x for the happy hours if I am being transparent here, but I digress...) I gained the quarantine fifteen which was extremely not ideal considering you're, like, supposed to be in your best shape the year of your wedding, right?  I participated in all your run of the mill paper towel hoarding pandemic frenzies mostly all the while to distract myself from my real fear, what would happen to my business during a global pandemic?
Now I know what you're thinking, "She didn't binge watch Netflix?" 
Of course I watched Tiger King, do you think I am a psychopath?  I watched everything including Emily in Paris and guess what, I absolutely loved it...
I did anything and everything that would numb me from feeling the worry, the anxiety, and the fear of losing everything I have worked for in the past few years. 
I was "waiting" for it to pass.  For it to go back to normal, for everything to resume as it once was...
I think my biggest growth came the moment I realized this wasn't ending, passing, or returning to normal, any time soon, if at all.  As a business owner and as a person, the second I started pouring energy into adapting rather than waiting, I experienced a turning point. 
I learned more this year than I have learned in the past 10 years, easily.  Granted, some of the lessons were not solicited and unwelcome, nonetheless I learned them.  For example, I could have gone without learning the lesson of how to file a lawsuit against our wedding venue, for one.  I think it's safe to say I would happily live a very fulfilled life not knowing how to sue anyone, but I am full on Elle Woods status equipped to represent myself and proud.
Then there was that time that I had to pack hundreds, maybe a thousand, orders with my fiancé because my employees needed to quarantine.  That one was fun.  I only cried twice that week.  Another great moment was learning how to file for the PPP loan.  Let's just say, I got a C- in accounting in college and my skills with such have since declined. 
Nonetheless, I learned something valuable from even the unfavorable moments.  I learned that (legal) knowledge is power, doing the small tasks keep you humble, and that I desperately needed a new accountant!  I also learned to never say never.  Before this pandemic I never could have imagined learning these lessons this way.  I also could never imagine myself writing a blog on NYE and not being with my family and friends partying, yet here we are! 
My favorite lessons were the ones I learned about the relationship I have with myself and with others.  I learned how to prioritize myself, set boundaries that serve me, say no to things that don't & how to make my own homemade margaritas.  All four of these things have me entering 2021 as the best version of myself.  Something I also thought I would never say after an almost year long pandemic. 
I didn't experience all this growth alone.  I've done so with the guidance of our team health coach, Masha of The Sunday Self.  To close out the year, we did a team exercise with Masha that forced us to reflect on 2020.  She instructed each of us to scroll through our camera rolls, month by month, and document the highs and the lows we experienced throughout 2020. 
I cried secretly on the zoom call when I scrolled past the photos of Gabrielle and I wedding & maid of honor dress shopping.  I don't know why this evoked so much sadness for me, I have to guess it is because it's something that every "normal" bride gets to do, but now seems like such a luxury.  I felt the same way when I passed a sweaty selfie of myself that I sent to my friend Bianca after a Tracy Anderson workout class.  I guess what this really sent home for me was that we should really never take the little things for granted.  Not a little shopping trip, not a little gym class, nothing.  What is "normal" these days anyway?  I don't think much.  So if you have a good, fun, memorable, or positive experience... TRULY stop to relish in the moment.  Although I miss the normalcy of those things, the girl who was doing them is different than the one writing to you today. She missed out on a lot of the little moments because she was always going, going, going. 
She was also a shamer, a big huge shame monster.  I spent a lot of time in the early parts of 2020 beating myself up for not doing enough to grow the business or to propel it.  Obviously in hindsight, how could I?  We were in survival mode and just worrying about staying afloat.  I shamed myself so much for not doing enough, when in reality, I was really just working with what I had to stay in business and make ends meet. 
In 2020, I learned to enjoy the little things, but more importantly, enjoy what I HAVE.  I have a business that withstood an almost year long pandemic. I think that's something to be proud of.  
Speaking of appreciating things I have, this scrolling exercise reminded me of something else that came out of 2020.  We started this year with a team of two. We are leaving 2020 double the size.  Hannah, who was a long time friend of Gabrielle's, joined our team full time.  Sienna, a total stranger, completed our Island to East Side family.  Now I know how a mom feels when they say they can't remember life before their babies.  That's how I feel about Hannah and Sienna. We were great before they came into the picture, but life without them seems unimaginable now.  We are blessed to have a place to work, while so many people have lost their livelihood this year.  Not only do we have our work, we love it and enjoy every second of it. 

Another thing I realized I have during this pandemic is a very loyal and supportive following and customer base.  Thank you to every one of you who liked our photos, placed an order, and our favorite... sent us a DM with kind words or affirmations.  I appreciate you more than you know and I am consistently impressed by your interest in us as people and our brand. 
When I started officially working with Masha in May, my primary goal was to become the face of the brand.  What I didn't realize, at least at first anyway, was that I had to work on pretty much everything else in my life before getting to my goal.  I was making a lot of choices that were keeping me from being able to show up and connect with each of you in a more meaningful way.  The girl in those earlier photos had no boundaries.  She said yes to every plan, answered every call, always lended her resources, her help, her ear, and her love.  All at the expense of herself and likely at the expense of achieving her personal goals. 
My biggest take away from 2020 was that I need to choose myself more.  Every day we make choices... what we eat, what we drink, what we watch on tv, who we follow on Instagram, what attitude we have, who we allow in our lives, who our inner circle consists of, how we live and how we remember things.  I am choosing to take this year for what it was and to highlight both the good and the bad, but to remember it as a time of growth and evolution, a catalyst of sorts. 
In 2021, I want to show the Island to East Side community more!  More sides of me personally, our team, our struggles, our wins, and our journey getting there. I honestly don't know if the perfectionist in me would be saying that if it weren't for this completely imperfect year and everything imperfect that happened because of it. 
Through all the shit that happened - difficult lessons, burnt banana breads, postponed weddings, and things I won't mention on my blog  - I can honestly say I came out on the other end of this year WAY better than how I entered it.  To me, that really doesn't sound so bad at all.  In fact, it sounds like 2020 was a pretty important year for me.
Cheers to catapulting into a new year together.  I want you along for the ride with me.  I can't promise it will be perfect, but it sure as hell will be interesting. 
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  • Shannon Mattingly

    Get your ex husband/wife back Quickly & Permanently.
    My name is Shannon Mattingly from USA. My husband left me for another woman. The most painful thing is that I was pregnant with our second baby. I wanted him back. I did everything within my reach to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so badly because of the love I had for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back , I had no choice than to try it. I messaged the spell caster called dr unity, and he assured me there was no problem and that everything will be okay before 11 hours. He cast the spell and surprisingly 11 hours later my husband called me. I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that had happened He wanted me to return to him. He also said he loved me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again.thanks to dr unity . if you are here and your Lover is turning you down, or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact Dr.Unity for help now..
    Here his contact…WhatsApp: +2348055361568 ,
    Email: Unityspelltemple@gmail. com

  • jojo

    Yes it is true that Dr BALBOSA is the best to restore broken homes and relationships. My name is Jojo Ivan and i was a client for DR. BALBOSA and i must tell you that he is a real spell caster. When i contacted this spell caster my boyfriend had left me for 2 years and i have always wanted him back to me. I met DR.BALBOSA to help me about a month ago and i have reconnected with my boyfriend. When my ex boyfriend left me it was turmoil for me. This became a disaster for me that i had a physiological trauma and my family were very worried about my health. After 2 years, I met DR.BALBOSA through a testimony also and he told me to calm myself that no matter what the problem is, he is well and ready to help anyone who comes to him. Just in 2 days, my ex called me and wanted to meet. I agreed and made preparations to meet him and he told me how he had felt guilty for what he did and he wanted me back. I praised DR BALBOSA for his marvelous handiwork and i will recommend him to anyone who needs a spell caster. Contact him to help you and fast at his email: balbosasolutionhome@gmail.com WEBSITE: https://balbosasolutionhome.com call/WhatsApp him on +1(325) 795-7665…God bless you…

  • Alexandra Valasquez

    This is an advise to those who are searching for a cure to Herpes. I got genital herpes from my ex boyfriend who was sleeping around with different girls, such a shameless pig. I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all herpes patients in the world. I never believed that their could be any complete cure for herpes or any cure for herpes outbreaks, but the good news is that there is and it is very effective. Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can’t be cured through drugs or injections by the medical doctors. The best way to deal with herpes is by using natural herbal medicines and specifically, natural herbal medicine produced by reliable and qualified herbal doctors like DR.WATER. Some medical doctors even know about these herbal medicines from DR.WATER, and they get it at a cheaper price from DR.WATER and sell it more expensive to their patients. I have read about DR.WATER, the great herbalist doctor from African, who can cure disease with his powerful herbal medicines. For those people suffering from the following diseases, Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Hpv genital warts, different Infections and many more, you should please contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes after using his herbal medicine. I contacted him directly with the whatsapp number that i will be leaving below, he sent me his medicine which i took for 2 weeks and since then, i have gone for a check up 3 times, and all i was tested herpes negative. you can reach him through his email: Drwaterhivcurecentre@gmail.com or Whatsapp: +2349050205019

  • Henriette Amunazo

    i am so happy to share this testimony with the world because generally there are so many doubts about the cure of HERPES simplex virus. This is real take it serious, my name is HENRIETTE AMUNAZO and i am so happy that today i can give this testimony to the world and also help people who has been condemned just as i was. Who will believe that a herb can cure HERPES completely from the body?, i never believed that this will work, i have spend a lot of money getting drugs from the hospital to supress outbreaks, it got to a time that all i was wanted was death to come because i was broke and i already have strong outbreaks from the herpes virus. One day i was going through the internet asking questions online just to know more about the latest development in the medical sector to see if there is still hope then i stumbled on a post about this great man called DR WATER through an online friend who publicly made a testimony on how she was also cured of herpes simplex virus 2 by this herbal doctor who is well known for his strong ancient herbal practice for HERPES, HIV, WARTS and CANCER cure. At first i doubted both the woman and the doctor just as so many that see’s this post would doubt because medically it has been proven impossible but later i decided to give him a try so i emailed him. I did not believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try. He replied my mail and needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Online Courier Service for delivery. He gave my details to the Courier Office. They told me that 3-5 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of 13days that the medcine lasted, he told me to go to the hospital for a test, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus free, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospitals and was also confirmed herpes free, i will say it was like a miracle. I waited to see if i will get any outbreaks again and its been 2 months now, i have not experienced any outbreak. Thank you sir for saving my life even if you cannot see this post, i shall never stop testifying the impact you made in my life by restoring back my life when i was being stigmatized and even avoided by family and friends. I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you have herpes simplex virus, HIV patient, Diabetes, human papilloma virus or genital warts, contact him and I am sure you will get cured, contact him via:
    email: Drwaterhivcurecentre@gmail.com
    or Call/whatsapp: +2349050205019
    . HERPES
    . HIV/AIDS
    . CANCER
    . ULCER

  • Diego Trigueros

    So many technological advances, and they still cannot discover the effective vaccine against HIV, Cancer, Diabetes, Herpes simplex ? And the Covid19 vaccines, is that even effective? … They spend all resources researching and producing weapons to kill more people. More medical science advancements, and less weapon production is the way to go, and this will make human being a truly intelligent being. I advise people to start looking to alternative cure to their illness like natural roots and herbs, rather than putting all their hopes on these scientist who seems to prioritize weapons of mass destruction over vital medicines to save lives. Natural herbal medicine might just be all you need to get rid of those your reoccurring health issues or Shingles (Herpes Zoster) outbreakes and other illnesses that these scientist refused to provide solutions to. I have used natural herbal medicines from Dr.Water to cure several people with Herpes Zoster. Where those pharmaceutical drugs have failed, Dr.Water herbal medicine has done the job effortlessly. We can not continue to live with Herpes, HIV, Diabetes, genital warts, cancer, hepatitis B , until they eventually take our lives because our scientist have failed to find the right solution, when there are very effective herbal cures to all these illnesses and you don’t even need to spend much money to get these remedies. For now i am recommending only Dr.Water herbal medicine for whoever is interested, this is his WHATS-APP : +2349050205019. there are still other nice herbal remedies out there, yes i tired few also, but that of Dr.Water is the one i have confirmed to be the most effective of them all.

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